Somatics In-person Sessions

One-to-one lessons are the quickest way to begin to address the tension patterns that result from injuries, surgeries, repeated motions, stress and more.

In a private session, gentle hands-on techniques, movement exercises and body awareness training are used in combination to relieve muscle and joint pain, and improve balance, body awareness, and muscular control.

The movement exercises are gentle but very effective, and focus on relaxing the muscles that are holding unnecessary tension and causing you pain or discomfort, They can be done for the rest of your life. Anytime. Anywhere.

Shoulder Release

Initial Appointment ~ (90 minutes) $120.75

Your first session includes:

  • Detailed medical intake and health history

  • Assessment of your posture and gait

  • Personalized movement lesson focusing on your particular tension patterns

  • Gentle hands-on techniques are integrated into the movement exercises to enhance the learning process and encourage the release of the muscles.

  • Short routine of Somatic Movements to practice for self care - the homework portion of my movement coaching sessions keeps my clients moving forward in between sessions.

  • Support materials - written description of the movements.

  • Email support - The email support ensures you never feel stuck.

Additional Information:

  • You will learn the movements while lying on a wide low table similar to a massage table.

  • Wear stretchy comfortable clothing that you can move in. You will remain fully clothed for the session.

  • 3 - 5 follow up sessions are typically recommended depending on your situation.

  • Payment can be made by cash, cheque or e-transfer.

Follow Up Appointments ~ (75 min.) $99.75

Over the course of the follow up appointments you will learn how to release the major muscles of the front, back and sides of your body. This will provide you with a solid foundation in the basic movements to continue to practice at home for your self care.

Follow-up sessions include:

  • Assessment of your posture and gait

  • Personalized movement lesson focusing on your particular tension patterns

  • Hands-on techniques

  • Review of homework from previous session(s)

  • Short routine of Somatic Movements for home self-care - the homework portion of my movement coaching sessions keeps my clients moving forward in between sessions.

  • Email support - The email support ensures you never feel stuck.

Additional Information:

  • 3 - 5 follow up sessions are typically recommended depending on the situation

Hip Flexor Release

Book Your Appointment Today

It is recommended that you begin a regular home practice of self care to reinforce the benefits that you achieve in your one-on-one sessions. Home practice exercises take only about 10-15 minutes daily and require no special equipment. The exercises can be viewed as 'foundational' in nature to improve the way you move your body....either for sport or just your daily activities.